
WayAway is a flight aggregator that provides travelers with the best rates on airline tickets. Its innovative search finds the best option for specific travel dates by comparing airfares offered by all major US and global airlines and agencies. WayAway displays final prices, without any hidden fees.

Tips on getting the lowest prices on flights:

Be flexible with your travel dates. You can save a lot of money by traveling on weekdays or shoulder season, when there is less demand for flights. Consider traveling midweek, early in the morning, or late at night, as these flights tend to be less popular and therefore cheaper. Use a flexible date search to find the cheapest days to fly.

Book in advance. Booking your flights in advance, preferably 2 to 6 months ahead of your travel date to insure that you secure the lowest fares.

Use a rewards program. Joining an airline loyalty program or using a credit card with rewards points can help you earn discounts or free flights.

Consider alternative airports. Sometimes flying to a nearby airport can be much cheaper than flying directly to your destination. Use airport comparison tools to find out which airports have the cheapest flights.

Avoid peak travel periods. If you can, avoid booking flights during peak travel periods such as holidays, school breaks, or major events, as the fares tend to be higher.

Compare prices across different platforms. Below are some links to the sites we have found that routinely list the absolute lowest prices available.